Devise and Sessions
Note to self: when using Devise don't create a new resource called session and, if you do, here's how to fix things
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Migrating Rails Data and Resetting Auto-increment Counters
Another note to self: how to migrate data from one DB to another and reset auto-increment counters using Rails
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If you wonder why I'm wearing very dark sunglasses next time you see me: now you know
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Identity Mashup Conference
An opportunity to look up from the bits and bytes for a while and learn something about the human aspects of network technologies
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Hacking Apple iSync to Work with a Motorola V557
It shouldn't be this difficult
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TCP/IP over Bluetooth
How to share a Mac's network connection over bluetooth
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JAX-RPC 2.0 Early Draft Posted
the first early draft of JAX-RPC 2.0 is now available
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Rage against the industraaaay
one of the most powerful catalysts for a gut-wrenching, paralytic diarrhea attack is the meaningless press release
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Addressing for web services
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Sun Java Desktop Systems from Walmart
Sun Java Desktop Systems from Walmart !
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Twas the night before Christmas...
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iTunes for Windows
Apple released the first version of iTunes for Windows yesterday. It installed fine on my Mesh XP box and Rendezvous worked like a charm so I can now play all the music and playlists stored on my Cube from the PC without copying the files over. Go get it.
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Sounds familiar
Object-Oriented XSLT: A New Paradigm for Content Management: sounds an awful lot like what we were aiming at with Eclipse + Astoria all those years ago. Sigh.
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Cool new software
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One step closer
Getting close now: World Wide Web Consortium Issues Proposed Recommendation of SOAP Version 1.2.
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More SOAPy Goodness
Liberty ID-WSF SOAP Binding
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SOAP Version 1.2 Message Normalization
Sun and Microsoft in joint publication shock: SOAP Version 1.2 Message Normalization.
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You can see my house from here
Satellite photography
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New Commodore 64 software: The Contiki Desktop OS.
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Your Mac Life
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Securing Web Services
Securing Web Services - good intro to web services security standards landscape.
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SOAP 1.2 Candidate Recommendation
Its been a long road
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We don't need no stinking Singletons
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New gig for old silicon