The Good Life
Feeling a bit like Tom Good this evening which is disturbing as I generally subscribe the Gerry Leadbetter school of thought. We’ve spent the entire weekend in the garden and as a result I am now really tired. A tree surgeon paid us a visit on Thursday with his chainsaw to cut down some dead trees. Being a cheapskate I just paid him to cut them down and chop them into fireplace sized logs but not to pull them out of the woods and stack them - “we can do that” I told him. We did, but it took us much of Saturday to do so. As you can see, we now have a suitably enormous log pile that should keep us in fire wood till next year.

We’ve also been clearing back some of the encroaching forest that was threatening to engulf the garden. This left us with a big pile of cut down striplings and undergrowth and me with an excuse to buy a new toy:

That thing is a serious piece of kit. It can chew up branches up to 3 inches in diameter and shred smaller stuff like leaves and twigs into a fine mulch that Ali has been spreading over borders to keep the weeds down.
Eagle-eyed ex-Chrystalites might have noticed the Canterbury polo shirt - good gardening attire ;-).